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An antidote to black tax: sibling thrivalry

I recently discovered a new podcast which feels perfectly aligned for this season: Sibling Thrivalry . It's a podcast by a sibling pair (Talitha and Zuko Ndima). It's refreshing on many levels and I found it while I was feeling weirdly homesick at the end of four weeks away from home. I had to will myself from turning it into yet another academic project (I love what they are doing with language and I think a paper should be written about them and how they are responding to the zeigeist when it comes to code-switching and being multilingual; in fact a thesis would be nice but I digress). I also discovered it while I have been mourning the lost art of conversation. Just basic ukuncokola seems to be going through a crises. I have been ideating a blog post for a while (I think I've drafted it somewhere) writing a letter to my mom reflecting on the lessons she taught me about small talk which is my gateway to indlela yokuncokola. Mama is the ultimate conversationalist, ulincoko...

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