Poems for a broken world
Eating war for breakfastMaking teaDoomscrolling and liking and hearting destructionMaking the bedBecoming eloquent in violenceChoosing clothes to wearDying a little in fragmentsWalking to the train stationLiving with the options of opting in and outWaiting in queuesFeeling pain so far awayBuying flowersTouching tenderness through screensGreeting the neighbourHearing screams at the tip of fingersBuying bread and milk
In Solidarity
Dear Palestine
You do not need my words
They are glib and empty
But they are all I have for now.
You are in my dreams.
Dear Congo
You do not need my shame
It is useless
My ignorance hollows me out
But I carry it with me anyway.
You are in my prayers.
Dear Sudan
You do not need my sadness
It is a weight that cannot hold a nation
But it is all I have.
You are in my heart.
Dear Azania
You may never exist outside of our songs
Your presence is a promise that we should do better
You are in my spirit.
Dear World
You insist on breaking apart
Leaving nothing behind but tombs.
It is not inevitable: we will swallow ourselves and eviscerate.
But for now, we are here.