One down, three to go!

Another term is over! I always pinch my self at the end of the term because yet again, I've suprised myself by making it through another busy term.

Sadly, the holiday is too short. I'm being ambitious by taking home some marking with me. It would be foolish to begin term two with marking from the previous term. We already have assignments and tests lined up for the first week of term. Second term is my least favourite term because of exams and all the behavioural problems established in the first term will continue. There's no sense of a new beginning but I get the feeling kids will be gatvol  with school as early as the first week.

We have assembly twice a week. In each assembly meeting there's a section called "devotions". Unlike the prayers and hymns we sang and recited when I was in school, staff and pupils have to share something enlightening in order to get people to think about something. Christian staff members share some lessons from the Bible, others share a poem or an inspiring story. Last year I read from the Bill of Rights from the Constitution. My turn to do devotions was close to Human Rights day so I thought it apt to read from the Constitution and ask a learner to share what they think about Human Rights Day.

I'm a little stumped this time around because I have to say something in the first assembly of the term. There's the obvious pressure of saying something about working hard because it's an exam term (my worst nightmare). If anyone has any ideas for what I could share next term, please leave a comment below. I promise I'll reference your contribution during the assembly. It could be a video, an interesting short story a poem etc.

Here's to a week's holiday!


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